Re: Diving at Tahoe

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Posted by John Rice on September 06, 2001 at 21:14:12:

In Reply to: Diving at Tahoe posted by Karen on September 05, 2001 at 23:36:19:

Hi, Karen--congratulations on your pending trip to dive the crystal desert. Lake Tahoe gives you wonderful visibility, with little to see, unless you count crayfish, fallen logs, and the occasional bass exciting. The cold mountain stream water inhibits algae growth, but it is a still a nice area to dive.

Altitude won't affect your weighting, but the change from salt water to fresh can--it's only going to be around 3% of your body weight (in the world of overly-gross generalities).

If you have a long walk to the water, take your time--the 02 is thinner, and you can tire more quickly than at sea level. If you do have a long walk (Parking lot at Sand Harbor to the dive beach can be a good haul), stop at the water and relax to get your breath and re-establish your dive plan. Don't hurry yourself.

Plan on spending a couple of hours at the lake after you dive. The lake is at 6,200 ft (disregard the other post about the altitude), but the mountain passes run to 9,000 ft. If you finish your dives and immediately head over the summit, you can get bent. (Hopefully your instructor will share this with you).

The Lake is COLD.

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