stop the killing!! bugs have feeelings too!

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Lobster Liberation Front on September 09, 2001 at 00:09:19:

In Reply to: Lobster hunter during the day? posted by badfish on September 08, 2001 at 12:36:55:

or is it feelers? aww hell, we got so many things stickin out of our heads who knows?

Yes lobster hunting is best done during the day, over barren sandy areas where there is lots of boat traffic and drunkards on Sea Doos.

Whatever you do, be sure to absolutely avoid rocky reefs, areas with sea grass or small crevices and hiding places. Giant man-eating octopuses could grab you. Also, avoid any rocky reef off of Palos Verdes or Malibu or even Laguna for that matter. Dont even go anywhere near boats like the Great Escape or the Peace if you want to get us foul-tasting bugs. Besides, we taste like poodle dung and are not worth the 18 bucks for the saltwater fishing license and ocean enhancement sticker. Go hunt sheepshead instead. They're delicious [:]-)

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