Re: The only way potato chips will impact bouyancy is

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Posted by Guy on September 09, 2001 at 22:30:48:

In Reply to: The only way potato chips will impact bouyancy is posted by John Rice on September 07, 2001 at 12:47:57:

Just now returned from a weekend at 8500'. The group used a variety of weights with the most weight required at that altitude being 6 lbs more than was used in June while diving the Pacific ocean off Catalina. We dive mainly wet suits here until winter and then we change to dry suits for our ice diving season... You are correct, Karen did mention she was diving a dry suit. But her question was broad regarding altitude and buoyancy. You are correct, Altitude does not affect shell type dry suits around here very much. All of our diving takes place between 6000' and 10,200'. Altitude is something we know too well... Best wishes.

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