here is an easy recipe for you ...

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Karl S. on September 10, 2001 at 11:18:29:

In Reply to: Sounds great. I think we have a contest ! (nt) posted by Kevin on September 10, 2001 at 10:53:47:

relax the live lobster by putting it into a large plastic pitcher (they like the security of it) and put the pitcher with your lobster in it into your freezer to cool it off.

heat salted water to boiling in a really big pot on your stovetop. make sure your side dishes are cooking and almost done. the lobster wont take long to cook at all.

when the lobster becomes lethargic and the water is boiling, dump the lobster out of the pitcher from the freezer and onto a chopping block.

take a sharp cleaver and cleave it onto two along the long axis. be careful not to cut yourself. it works best to split the carapace first, and then to extend the cut on through the tail with a second chop.

toss the two pieces into the boiling water. it should be done after about 2 or 3 minutes of boiling, since this exposes the meat to better cooking. its also easier to eat out of the shell this way, and easier to make sure that you dont overcook it, since you can check it at any time during the boiling process.

lemon and melted butter finish out the details for this simple, delicious meal. this method also works well for those live tank lobsters at the grocery stores. the store-bought lobsters are just smaller is all.

boiled red potatoes with butter & parsley added after draining is a good side dish to go along with it. steamed asparagus works great as a vegetable side dish. chardonnay or lemonaide rounds out the meal, with a sherbert dessert like mango or lime.

excess lobsters taken from the Ocean dont keep well unless you have an aquarium tank yourself or unless you deepfreeze the tails.

invite your favorite vegetarian, nature loving anti-lobster-hunting pacifist over for dinner with you. she/he can dine on the vegies and potatoes while you eat their share of the meat for them.

peace & luv ...

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