seahunt, i honestly havent heard of any attacks at Ft Bragg

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Posted by Karl S. on September 11, 2001 at 13:27:20:

In Reply to: Re: of landlords and other such folk posted by seahunt on September 11, 2001 at 11:41:39:

South Russian Gulch, the cove just north of the Russian River, at Jenner. that is honestly as far north as i have heard of any recent or modern attacks on divers, freedivers, or surfers.

the red triangle up here is the farralons, bodega, and ano nuevo. stay either north or south of that triangle and you should be fine. there are "residents" south of it, but i havent heard of anything north of it. and encounters with the "residents" seem few and far between, once every 5 years or so.

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