jeeze dude you post way too much ... and its all bunk, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Karl S. on September 15, 2001 at 20:17:36:

In Reply to: Very early And.. posted by JohnB on September 14, 2001 at 20:24:51:

bring your freaking knife next time you fly dude. you might need it to stop a hijacking in progress on your flight.

to sneak it onboard, try a porcelan knife. tuck it where the sun doesnt shine, and they will never know you have it. for a nerd who posts bunk like you do, that is probably the only sex you a going to get anyway. unless you find a really drunken whore.

i wear pointed cowboy boots when i fly. that way i can kick the crap out of any hijacker if there is one. care for a demonstration?

john-b huh? i have no idea who in the heck you are, numb nutts, but i will definitely be paying attention to you for awhile until i can figure that out.

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