Re: ReTro it goes: WE who are about to die salute you ..., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by DougD on September 15, 2001 at 22:32:19:

In Reply to: ReTro it goes: WE who are about to die salute you ... posted by CalAbDiver on September 15, 2001 at 19:30:00:

I never took latin, Karl. It was passe by the time I came around. I realize old Adolph really stepped up the targeting of civilian beyond what had ever been seen before, but non-combatants have been getting in the way for thousands of years.

Watched CNN this evening. It is pretty clear that Osama Bin Laden and Afganistan are deeply involved in what happened in N.Y. Kicking their butts will be no easy matter. I just hope we, as a Nation are willing to win what we start. If we are then whatever sacrifices we make will be worth it.

Our other choice is to sit here and wait until they crack a nuke on us. I say we torch them first. Like sucks in Afganistan so we'll be doing the a favor by sending them to heaven.

Nuke till they glow, and shoot 'em in the dark.

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