ATTACK METHODS...........JohnB and his chronies

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Maddiver on September 16, 2001 at 11:06:46:

Why is it anyone who doesn't 'worship' GUE is violently attacked and has many (false) public inferences made about their logic, person, or dive ability? Well I am sick of it and guys like this JohnB who turn people off from the sport. And what's funny to me is that all the loud mouth GUE advocates are the crappiest divers of the bunch...the second tier clean-up crew..the oh can I carry your tank sir GI 3? So come on John B and tell us what a great GUE diver you are and how you carried GI 3's deco bottle to 20 ft in a valiant effort to support GUE/WKPP etc.......yeah didn't think so.....just another mouth making the sport unpleasurable for others when forced to listen or view your spew. I don't blame people for *hating* GUE and DIR with all the puppets like you out there. Interesting to note that JJ also considers the BS propogated by these types of puppets to be the single largest thorn in the side of his organization. I speak facts and experienced opinion mr. johnb and feel like I contribute real information and attempt to befriend all who will be civil. But even though you may be GUE that does not mean I support you if you continue to attack before understanding and digesting the true nature of a post. I never misrepresented GUE facts, I simply indicated that there may and definately are divers just as qualified (and actually more qualified) than GUE students and that is dependent on the instructor...

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