Whats with all this jargon?

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Posted by ddave on September 17, 2001 at 21:32:37:

I've been a recreational diver since the early 70's. Have been a divemaster since the early 80's. I've slacked off a little in the 90's. Now that my son is newly certified, I'm getting back into diving on a regular basis as well as upgrading some of my gear. I was happy to recently stumble upon this site but am having a hard time understanding what 80% of these posts mean. Can anyone define some of this jargon? Sock puppets, DIR, GUE or GUI, and maybe I don't get it cause I'm new here, but what's with all the hostility? Is it meant to be tongue in cheek? I suppose I could search through the archives to try to get a clue but I'm basically too lazy for that.

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