Re: Need Info (is it OK to anchor at Cathedral cove @ Anacapa?)

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Posted by Maciek on September 19, 2001 at 17:23:37:

In Reply to: Need Info (is it OK to anchor at Cathedral cove @ Anacapa?) posted by Ed123 on September 19, 2001 at 16:37:25:

In front of Cathedral Cove you have a sandy bottom which is relatively flat with sparse rocks with litle kelp on them. Boat, I was on, was parked on a height of seabass monitoring bouy (white thing in a water on your left when you face the island) and depth under boat was 40 feet sand. It slopes up gently whole way to the shore and get's seriously rocky and kelpy 5-10 yards from the shore. Depth is 20 and less there. In short words sand everywhere except for the shoreline. There was a current there and anchor broke loose and boat was reanchored in 27 feet of water, still over the sand. That was about 30 yards from the shore. I personaly think, that sealions are the main attraction there right now. Good luck.

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