Re: California Wreck Diver's DIR Demo

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by tleemay on September 21, 2001 at 13:35:03:

In Reply to: Re: California Wreck Diver's DIR Demo posted by MikeR on September 21, 2001 at 09:38:09:

"You might have a good chance at making converts if you were giving the gear away but otherwise, I
don't know."

That's what everyone always tells us during the
demos. If they had not of already bought that $700
Zeagle setup, or the OMS bumgied wings, or the MLS
light system, AIR2's, etc, they would have most assuradly bought the right gear the first time if
they had known. But since they feel they have
already spent the money - they use it.

That's one of the points of the demos, we are
letting you know and giving you solid reasons why
certain gear and configuration is promoted as DIR.
That way, the next time you buy gear you will be
better informed - especially if you are planning
on migrating over to the DIR configuration and

A quick side question; Do you truly believe IF I
brought free DIR configured gear to all at the CWD
demo for them to have, we would have many converts from the group? If that's true, it sounds like $
are more of the fulcrum on this teeter-tottered issue than phylosophy. With your observation that
the gear used on their trips is old, this lends itself to possibly prove it's not prudent for them
to buy new gear.

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