hahaha like the GnLSD reference!!

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Posted by Goodone on September 24, 2001 at 15:09:41:

In Reply to: Re: And customer service! posted by BadFish on September 24, 2001 at 14:50:00:

JSW is having a bad day I guess because he is so far off base it ain't funny. He seems to think I.Q. is included in his certification. You do understand Cousteau was not certified, right there, JSWrong? I think a general concensus of those anyone would consider accomplished SCUBA divers might reveal that the experience and knowledge of the sport/profession was NOT given to them in their certification package. People CAN have a good mind and some clue without a C-Card, your's doesn't seem to have made you any "smarter" jsw (IF you have one).

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