Re: Dive Computers- jumping in.

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Posted by MHK on September 25, 2001 at 11:47:39:

In Reply to: Re: Dive Computers- jumping in. posted by AADIVER on September 25, 2001 at 11:19:08:


If you read the Buhlman studies you'll clearly see that Buhlman makes note that while he observed *bubble formation* with respect to the M-values, he specifically does not consider bubble formation in his algorithm. His words not mine. Over the years many have developed a false notion that his theories are an exact science, as opposed to THEORY. To that end, recently the RGBM and VPM's have considered this oversight..

I've said many times on this list, as well as other lists, that the Buhlman model bends you deep and then cleans you up shallow.. My rationale is that when we do our deep stops, if we were to use a Buhlman algorithm we would be penalized [ as if we were still loading our tissues] and as such it would add time to the theoretical M-values of certain tissue compartments..

By using a hybrid of the Wienke bubble model deep and the Buhlman tissue model shallow we achieve a different deco and/or NDL curve and can actually spend more time at depth and still not hit the M-values, or in other words not be bent just by understanding the shape of the curve..

The *old school* thinking of not ascending faster then your bubbles is a form of *on the fly* adjustments that were used in earlier days.. Buhlman models were developed in the late 50's and early 60's and while they have served as a useful guide over the years, 40 years of subsequent research and understanding on bubbles -v- tissue loading have allowed us to arrive at different variations of the Buhlman algorithm..


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