Re: certification? 25 bucks for a C card?! Must be gold plated., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by John Walker on September 27, 2001 at 08:18:39:

In Reply to: Re: certification? 25 bucks for a C card?! Must be gold plated. posted by AADIVER on September 26, 2001 at 16:42:43:

Frank, I know they spent a lot of money on the machine to make these cards. I'd emagine they are also throwing in filing expences.

I am also an IANTD instructor and they charge various rates for c-card depending which course you are in. I don't get it but a EANX card cost me $17.50 and a trimix card cost around $20.00.

I was a NAUI instructor but droped them like a bad habit 5 years ago. They charges about $12.00 if I recall correctly. Maybe Jim Hoffman can tell us what they currently charge.

Any PADI of other instructors out there willing to tell everyone what their organization is charging them for c-cards.

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