Public Forum on MPAs for Divers

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Posted by Eric Frasco on September 27, 2001 at 09:55:43:


How will they affect your diving?

The Greater Los Angeles Council of Divers (GLACD) will be holding a series of meetings concerning Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The intent of these meetings is to solicit input from the diving community on the MPAs that are proposed for implementation along California’s Coastline. These meetings are not intended to be for or against this implementation, but rather are intended to share information about the MPAs, and survey the diving community about their concerns so that we may adequately represent the interests of divers in Southern California. These meetings will focus on the areas between Point Conception and the Mexican Border as this is the area where divers from the greater Los Angeles area (including Orange County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County) spend most of their time diving. After gathering input from divers, GLACD will collaborate with the other three Councils in California and provide input to the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG).

The first and most important meeting will be held on Sunday, October 7th at 4 p.m. at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium Auditorium, 3720 Stephen White Drive San Pedro, California.

This is an opportunity for divers to learn about the MPA process and it is specifically an opportunity for divers to voice their opinions and have their concerns be heard. Other meetings that have been previously held have been dominated by other special interest groups, and this meeting is the first one scheduled in Los Angeles that will specifically focus on the interests of freedivers and scuba divers.

Sunday, October 7th

4 - 7 p.m.

San Pedro, California

Cabrillo Marine Aquarium Auditorium

3720 Stephen White Drive

San Pedro

Additional meetings will be held throughout the year to address the progress of the MPA implementation and to keep an open avenue of communication between divers and DFG and the political process. Information will be posted on the GLACD website at

The initial agenda for the meeting includes discussion on what MPAs are and their proposed locations, and what options we have for voicing our opinion on what we want and do not want. We strongly encourage all divers to attend, and especially encourage dive clubs in Southern California to send a representative to this meeting to learn the issues and to take information back to their club. In order for this process to be successful, GLACD needs input from as wide a range of the diving community as possible.

Right now we are working on getting the $6 parking fee waived, last minute updates will be posted at

-Eric Frasco-
President, Greater Los Angeles Council of Divers

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