Ditzy dive outfits and green abalone

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Posted by seahunt on October 01, 2001 at 12:23:12:

I made a comment to somebody about a ditzy dive outfit I was talking to
and got a question back, so for amusement I thought I would mention
them. Notice I don't put their name.
We went on a 2 tank night dive and things went well for the first tank.
I got the only bug, a barely legal, but it was a fun dive and I was
hoping for better luck at the next spot... Unfortunately, the engine
wouldn't start and there was obviously an electrical problem. Actually,
the crew was aware of this intermittant problem and it had not been
fixed. After calls and radios, it sounded like we might get a tow
around midnight... say 3 hours at soonest. I saw no reason to dive
there again and so changed my clothes. I used the head and pushed the
button to flush it. All of a sudden the lights brightened some. I
noticed it and so did the skipper. He tried the engine and it started.
Off we went to the docks. This was not my only weird experience with
That is what I call a ditzy dive outfit.
I cooked an ab dinner Saturday night. Instead of my usual of
cooking them in crushed macadamia nuts and some bread crumbs, I used
pistachio nuts. It came out really good. pistachios are a pain to shell,
cuz you gotta take off the brown thingy too, but it was worth it to
try something new. Then they are far harder to chop or crush than
macadamia nuts. I tried a new way to crush them up. I've tried to crush
macadamia nuts with an ab iron before and it doesn't really work well,
but put them in a baggy and pound them and they come out a really good
consistency. It works for pistachios and macadamias. Other than the nuts,
the recipe is the macadamia nut recipe on my website...
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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