Re: 1st stage goes high pressure, or spg hose blows, damage to manifold (nt)

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on October 01, 2001 at 19:27:37:

In Reply to: 1st stage goes high pressure, or spg hose blows, damage to manifold (nt) posted by Kevin on October 01, 2001 at 18:59:20:

- A failed HP hose will take a while to empty
the tank because there's a pinhole sized
orifice in the first stage just behind the
HP port. A failed LP hose, on the other hand,
will empty your tank in very short order. I
ran an experiment a while back on both cases.
IIRC, I removed the HP hose from the first
stage, and the tank dropped 150 PSI/minute.
I removed the LP hose, and it dropped 1500
PSI/minute (and wanted to take off across
the driveway).

- I've had two tank/valve O-rings extrude in my
truck, and one of the divers for my boat turned
up with one a couple of weeks ago. None of
these happened in the water, but they could.

- I've recently started diving the long hose on
open circuit, and, if nothing else, for the
first time, I don't have that darn octopus
flopping around, in the way, coming out of the
holder and dragging on the reef. And having
had to donate air a couple of times (to stupid
divers whom I don't dive with any more), I'd
much prefered to have had the long hose to
give them.

- I'm NOT a DIR divers, just steal portions of
their rig.

Chuck Tribolet

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