Re: "...inconceivable feats..." No arguement

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by AADIVER on October 02, 2001 at 08:42:07:

In Reply to: Re: doom and gloom merchants: get a life. posted by John Waker on October 01, 2001 at 21:46:46:

John, my smart ass answer to your question about my apparent shifting position on DIR is, you can't hit a moving target ;-)
For "inconceivable feats" of diving DIR is absolutely mandatory, but that involves only a teeny, tiny few of the overall diving population. My non-shifting position is that I don't accept the all or nothing at all, holistic mandate of DIR for ALL diving scenarios, from calm shallow Caribbean waters to the deep, dark interior of the Andrea Doria & Wakulla caves. I consider DIR to be a set of tools, any one of which can be extracted from the whole and used for a particular type of diving. I accept and use the wing and bp rig and XL Jetfins. For my diving that's all the DIR gear I find necessary at the moment. And since I don't dive with a buddy, especially inside wrecks, who would I hand off the 5 foot hose to? Etc., etc., etc.

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