Re: DIR : a question re OOA...a specific answer, please.

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by MHK on October 02, 2001 at 12:19:26:

In Reply to: Re: DIR : a question re OOA...a specific answer, please. posted by AADIVER on October 01, 2001 at 17:35:13:


Admittedly and thankfully a diver running OOA is a rare occurence, however that being said, to the extent it does happen it will likley result in a fatality so we prepare for the worse and hope for the best.. In other words, if I get an erratic signal the most important thing I can do for my buddy is be prepared to deliver air, if it turns out it isn't an OOA emergency I'll deal with it, but I'll want to be in a position to solve the most immediate problem.

Let's assume for a second that we are 5 levels down inside the Andrea Doria and my buddy cuts his hose on a jagged edge, or he breaks a manifold on the ceiling or he somehow manages to blow a HP hose or SPG, these are events that would require immediate assistance.. I'll want to give him gas, solve the problem and get the hell out of the wreck or cave..

We, obviously, run 1/3's but if a piece of equipment breaks the luxury of time isn't on our side so we react accordingly...


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