Re: Gloves 5mm vs 3mm

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on October 04, 2001 at 19:40:00:

In Reply to: Gloves 5mm vs 3mm posted by Maciek on October 04, 2001 at 15:18:09:

My old Scoutmaster, Bill Wood, used to say "If
your feet are cold, put on a hat." When it can't
keep your trunk and head warm, your body starts
giving up on surface area, and the first thing
it gives up on are hands and feet. So think about
improving the rest of the system if you want
warm hands.

I wear 3mm gloves in Northern California. Typical
temps are 50F, often 47-48F, occasionally 44F.
I do longish dives. In a good drysuit. So think
about things like a hooded vest instead of a hood
if you are a wetsuit diver.

I like the ScubaPro 3mms short cuffs with the
wetsuit. They seem to last lots longer than
any others -- I got about 300 dives out of the
last pair, and they are still fine for a backup
pair. In a wetsuit, I'd get the gauntlets
(long cuff).

The 5mm gloves are survivable for manipulations.
Admiral Linda (my GF and dive buddy) wears the
5mm and works her camera. I think the ideal would
be a 5mm glove, with 3mm on the thumb and
forefinger of the right hand (left if you are
a southpaw).

Chuck Tribolet

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