Re: Hooded Vest

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Posted by lcarlson on October 05, 2001 at 11:38:22:

In Reply to: Hooded Vest posted by DougD on October 04, 2001 at 16:20:50:


Remember you are 'cold' much earlier than you 'feel' cold. My suggestion is that you find a combination of exposure protection that allows you to feel 'warm' at the end of the dive. This will yield multifold benefits including decreased risk of DCI, less fatigue, and the ability to do multiple dives over same/multi day dive trips. In a hooded vest you can 'pull down the hood' if you get too warm. My personal suggestion is that if you do a lot of diving a Drysuit is the best option. However I understand the economic weight to consider when pricing dry vs wet.

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