So you went to NY did you?, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by msblucow on October 05, 2001 at 12:56:13:

In Reply to: Re: Hey GLnSD posted by GLnSD on October 05, 2001 at 11:54:01:

Are you sure you did? Or was this another imaginary trip like your previous excursion to the South Pacific? And exactly what company did you work for - was it the one were you got to pretend you were a member of the military?

Tell you what, why don't you dive with either me or Terry - both of us offered to pay your way on a local boat and neither of us 'have been down this road' with you before. Besides, since we often post with our real names and ALWAYS with our real email addresses, we can't be called sockpuppets.

I can only think of a 3 reasons why you wouldn't accept:

1)You don't actually know how to dive.

2)Your mommy won't let you go.

3)You're scared sh**less you'll be found out for the useless fraud you are.

Once again, the choice is simple. Put up or shut up.

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