What kind of shark was that?

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Bernie Santos on October 07, 2001 at 11:37:36:

Went diving off of Reef Point (Ventura) this morning looking for lobsters when I shark dove down to the sand flat in front of me. Recognized it to be a shark just didn't know what kind. It had a rounded nose with 2 ,what look to be like, whiskers off its mouth and it was grey, I did not notice what the tail looked like but it was around 3-4 feet. It stayed there on the bottom as I swam past it. It looked like a nurse shark from the front (kinda like what I saw in Sea World).
Curious to know what I encountered. All in all it was a good dive with less than 10 ft of visibility in the inner kelp area and 15-20 feet in the outer kelp area. Surf was about 2-4 ft shore breakers with.

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