Re: What?

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by maddiver on October 08, 2001 at 10:32:44:

In Reply to: Re: What? posted by Bill Johnson on October 08, 2001 at 09:45:58:

Look 'Bill'

I made no mention of 'your' gear just stated that DIR is more than the gear you (pl) wear not you 'Bill' wears.

And is that the case that I don't have an ounce of knowledge? Somehow you have to have something to get access to the areas like Wakulla, Indian, and Cheryl so maybe I have a half ounce of knowledge. I asked if you knew and could help the rest of us understand a dive in Wakulla and all the contingencies that would come along with diving in an environment like that? I asked to see if you had a better or even remotely alternate way that the 18K dives could be done? Bill I am not wrong as DIR is as much a mindset about using the right equipment for the job and that is what jj and g use and used at Wakulla. You may have bought the gear but somehow the idea of the mindset has left you behind.

So you can jump up and down about who's right or wrong; at the end of the day there are those that do, have done, and will continue to do and then there are those who want to if you take it as boastful then so be was meant to place things in prespective i.e. that which is read via the internet and that which is had first hand.

PS why don't you call JJ up and tell him he isn't DIR on his 18K dive...see what he has for you. So the floor is yours tell us how to do it.

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