I do sometimes

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Posted by Wayne on October 09, 2001 at 22:44:00:

In Reply to: Slates- does anyone use one?? posted by BadFish on October 09, 2001 at 21:24:53:

It depends on the dive. The slate tends to get in the way, so if I do not think I will need it, I leave it in the bag. If I am diving wiht the kids, I like to have it. Sometimes the little ones cannot communicate effectively. For some reason they really want to tell me things underwater. The slate helps to get it over with. If it is just the wife and I, we don't need it. SHe does not want to talk underwater either. If we see something interesteing, we will point it out and maybe give the "remember" sign so we can discuss after the dive.

WHen I am with a class, it is sometimes fun to have it along. If I am babysitting the class while one is doing skills fo rthe instructor, I often pas around critters. If I do this, it is nice to be able to write its name: SEA HARE, WARTY SEA CUBUMBER, SHARK EGG CASE, KELLETS WHELK for example. It helps to pass time between air checks.

I have a QUEST magnadoodle slate. One side is a real slate for permanent markign with a pencil. If it dies, I will replace it with a regular magnadoodle for 10 bucks instead of the more expensive QUEST.


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