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Posted by Wayne on October 10, 2001 at 12:18:22:

In Reply to: Re: this may sound like an obvious question.... posted by Tim O'Rielly on October 10, 2001 at 11:15:57:

First and foremost, congratulations on beginning the process of being a diver. Now comes the time to gain experience and comfort in the water. In class you performed some skills, so you know how to do them. It is time to perfect them.

For example do a lot of diving and work to control your buoyancy so that you are neutral throughout the dive. It is tricky at first, but like riding a bicycle, after you get it, it becomes an easy, automatic thing to do.

I recommend that you stay shallow. Best colors, best bottom times, prettiest places. I have been diving for >25 years and I prefer shallow. There is no honor bestowed from diving deep. And before going past 60 fsw, make sure you have a few dozen dives or your advanced class.

Find divers to dive with. Buddy up with some experienced divers. Learn how they do it. If this means a threesome (girlfriend, you, and experienced diver) make sure that the experienced person is doing the dive to help you rather than doing his/her own dive and you two are on your own. Joining a club or doing group dives with groups liek the Sandeaters or South Coast Divers will help.

Take more classes. MsBlucow was right on the money when she said to go at least through RESCUE. You will be a much better diver/buddy for this effort.

Finally, enjoy the diving. Seahunt often says this and he is correct that this is what is important. This is a hobby to make us happier. It is enjoyable and should be savored. Do not try to impress anyone - with gear, war stories, etc. Similarly be careful about being impressed with the gear, war stories, etc. of others. Most divers are not macho types bragging about what they have done. Most are quiet folks who will galdly share their insights and experiences with you after a day of diving or an evening of pizza (another reason to join a club).

Becoming a diver is a committment. To be a good diver takes years and lots of dives. Do not rush it. Enjoy it all the way through. And remember some fo the best dives are the simplest ones. I have fond memories of many 25 foot dives, and a few fond memories of deep dives.


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