Eeeew, you ream it while alive? Does it squeal?

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Posted by Wayne on October 11, 2001 at 13:30:03:

In Reply to: Ream, cook, eat. posted by Demo on October 11, 2001 at 12:16:49:

I do it differently, but maybe not more of a humane treatment.

I get the bugs on the picnic table in the backyard and put on my old leather work gloves. I grab the bug's body in one hand and the tail in the other. I give a sharp 90 degree twist and the tail separates. Break off an antenna and throw the rest of the body away. Take the antenna and break off the last 1 inch or so (too flimsy to do the dirty deed). Insert the antenna into the anal opening as far as it will go (sometimes a little rotation will help it go farther. Then pull the antenna straight out. The entire intestine will come with it. Throw the antenna away.

Now the tail is ready for a quick rinse followed by boiling or freezing.


Does the little guy scream when you stick an antenna up there when he is alive? Doesn't he fight back? Eeeeewwww!


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