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Posted by Maciek on October 14, 2001 at 19:17:50:

In Reply to: Re: EZ to do it yourself... posted by DougD on October 14, 2001 at 14:19:05:

Swap octo and primary hose. You will need two special ScubaPro keys for that (friendly diveshop is handy for that matter). Then just hang your octo on a bungiee and use primary on long one. You can always pursue 5' or 7' later (primary on 40" hose is also considered DIR for OW environment). You can make your necklace detachable and try all configurations before deciding how you wanna go finally. Here are the pics:

You may also consider going with R190 configured as primary to check the feeling before swapping hoses.

You can get any length of bungie at Sport Chalet at hiking section for ridiculous money.

Have fun :).


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