Re: OMS IQ Harness and 45# Bladder

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Posted by Mike on October 19, 2001 at 09:23:09:

In Reply to: OMS IQ Harness and 45# Bladder posted by CB on October 19, 2001 at 08:33:36:

This post raises a question in my mind... Why would you go to the store and ask their advise? I guess you didn't realize how insulting this might be. The store basically sells service and advice, but, since these are generally sort of intangible items, they try to make enough profit off merchandise to stay in business. Your questions basically say that you want their advise but your not willing to pay for it. I buy gear from all sources with the knowledge that if I don't give some business to my local shop then they might not be there in the future. I think the mail order business tends to keep them on their toes and serves to make sure that the service and advice is worth something. I also don't utilize a shop that badgers me to buy only from them and puts down all the other shops. It sounds like you don't know what your buying so you probably should utilize the service of your local shop and instructor until you can figure out the answers on your own. Buy all your gear initially from the shop that gives you the best advice and service. I think its important to understand these concepts or the shops will disappear and we'll all lose. (this happened with another of my hobbies - archery - I have to drive for at least an hour to find a shop now..)
After all this, I can't give you an opinion on the gear since I don't know what your using it for. I'm sure OMS thinks they have the best gear around and stuff that I own is of excellent quality, some suites me and some doesn't. Some will serve your needs and some won't. If your an entry level diver its best to stick with entry level gear until you learn the difference and what you want out of your gear. No insults intended....good luck!

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