I'll never understand why some people...(+)

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Posted by NightDiver on October 22, 2001 at 09:54:11:

In Reply to: Question to all posted by Jeff on October 21, 2001 at 21:14:29:

take this approach in dealing with others. It's like the lousy tip they're going to leave (or not leave) the crew entitles them to act anyway they want.

I have the exact opposite problem in getting fills on dive boats. I dive with an hp tank and can rarely get a full fill because most boats' compressors can't push the required psi. Yes, my fill is short. BUT, this is never an issue because I know going in that this is going to be the case.

Just because someone else is willing to take the chance of overfilling an lp tank, doesn't mean the boat crew should be expected to. Has nothing to do with costs.

Just my $.02



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