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Posted by Art on October 29, 2001 at 19:14:19:

CHILDREN, PLEASE, TAKE YOUR BALL AND GO HOME! I may be wrong but I thought the reason for this list was for a group of people that were interested in the same thing (Diving) could get together talk and discuss different aspects of something (again, Diving) that we ALL have a common enjoyment of to the point that we spend gods know how much money on, to buy the equipment that we want, go on the boat that we want, take the trip we want or the different levels or type of training that we want. Instead of sharing knowledge and different techniques that we have learned reguardless of how long or what type of diving we have done, Instead it's that agency isn't any good, he said that and she did this, that course didn't teach you what you really needed to know, you are everything that is wrong with diving, this one teaches it right, this way this the only safe way, PADI, NAUI, YMCA, DIR, GUE, LMNOP...... I remember when you would meet someone else that was a diver you would talk and talk about what a great sport it is and have you dove such and such spot or try this beach for big bugs. You know for a sport that is World Wide it is still a small industry and everyone in it has the right to dive it the way that they wish to... no matter if they have a 12 foot hose hooked on their belt or a set of double tanks straped to their back, what works for one may not be what another wants. Everyone has their own way of diving and with everything else that is goin' on in the world, well, hell, let's just get together go diving and have FUN.

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