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Posted by Wayne on November 02, 2001 at 21:52:47:

In Reply to: Hey Wayne.... No Poop?! posted by robin on November 02, 2001 at 16:31:57:

It was clear from your original post that you understood the situation. I was simply puting in my 2cents worth for those who might not realize that there is a bit more to figuring the weighting than the tank and BC.

I should know, I got nailed that way myself a couple of years ago. What I should have done was measure the buoyancy of the shorty AND the heavy duty local suits we normally wear. Instead I tried the shortcut and failed to account for empth BC buoyancy that was much greater than guess on both my wife's and my BCs. Made for an interesting first dive in the shorty wetsuits on Maui! Nothing a few more pounds of lead could not fix.


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