Re: AAARRGGGHHH! I got bent! Or did I?, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by DougD on November 06, 2001 at 16:05:25:

In Reply to: AAARRGGGHHH! I got bent! Or did I? posted by msblucow on November 06, 2001 at 14:59:58:

Wow, blucow, glad you are okay!

I'm taking the Nitrox class right now, so I'm actually beginning understand what you are talking about here, and what everyone else has been saying all along...

Here are some of the pre-dispositions to DCS:

Poor circulation
higher lipid content/obesity
excessive cold
physiological aging
CO2 build-up (excessive physical exhertion, inefficient or improperly tuned breathing equipment)
Consumption of alcohol within 12 hours of the dive (pre-dive or post-dive)
Dehydration (from any number of causes)
Ignorance of any of the above.

I don't know if any of these factors may, contributed to your "hit," if you did have one, but it certainly gives you something to think about.

Feel better,


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