Posted by Kevin on November 07, 2001 at 12:22:49:
Are you tired of those pushy big orange fish ?
Tired of the same old beautiful reefs ?
Did your doctor say you need more trace elements in your diet ?
Do you like getting rust all over you wetsuit ?
Wanna come dive with people whose gear includes crowbars, hammers, wrenches and pick axes ??
Had enough with overfilled cattle boats full of whiney divers complaining that their raspeberry colored mask doen't match their blueberry colored fins ?
Good, then I have just the dive trip for you !!!! ( put down that travel brochure about Cozumel and lets get some werious wrecking in )
I have two spots open on a charter this Saturday November 10 leaving 22nd Stret landing at 7 AM sharp. Air and food included. We plan on hitting three of four shallow wrecks ( 100 FSW and 80 FSW and 70 FSW ). Olympic 2 / Star of France, Johanna Smith, Monfalcone, FS Loop are possible destinations. Check out for more info on these wrecks.
I can even bring you weights and tanks if you need them, no charge.
I can guarntee you limited vis, lots of rust and the time of your life. DIRers are invited, DIWers are also welcome, and everyone in-between. And you can all argue as much as you want, because I plan to be underwater most of the day.
Please e-mail me if you are interested !