Re: Dude, go hug a tree, I eat what I shoot.

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Posted by jond on November 07, 2001 at 23:17:17:

In Reply to: Dude, go hug a tree, I eat what I shoot. posted by Kevin on November 07, 2001 at 20:56:15:

I'm no eco-nut but I do wish that there were more larger fish to see while diving. When I was up in BC this summer it was so cool to see the big lings and cabezon cruising around.

I would be happier if hunters took two smaller fish (assuming the overall population is healthy and abundant) and left the larger specimens for the rest of us to check out.

I totally respect a hunter's right to take a couple of fish or a couple of bugs now and then (and I'll take a bug or two myself if the population in healthy) but I see so little restraint that it makes me wonder what happened to my right to see these bigger fish in the wild.

Ask yourself, would black sea bass be coming back if they weren't protected by law? Based on the pics earlier this year, even that may not be enough.

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