Nice Fish!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Wayne on November 08, 2001 at 09:14:51:

In Reply to: GOT FISH ? posted by Kevin on November 07, 2001 at 16:10:38:

Ever get the feeling that far too many divers are clueless about the seas around them?

They worry that that magnificent fish was taken for a good purpose and say nothing about the commercial fishing by-catch that is truly a problem.

Maybe it conmes from watching Bambi as a child and thinking that hunters are evil. Little do they understand that hunters are the front line of conservation. The narrow minded folks who enjoy their seafood from the supermarket hayyp in the bliss that they never saw it alive, never knew it was gutted, and never saw the hundreds of fish killed in the incidental kill just so they could eat their dinner, are clueless and need to become educated.

Wake up folks. Hunters are not the problem. Hunters who do not invite me to dinner are!


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