Diver.Net Conventional Wisdom

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Posted by 4Real on November 08, 2001 at 18:33:46:

Jeez. You boys and girls never change. I guess it’s time for some more observations from the outside looking in to this little world called Diver.net BBS you all call home. Let’s try this Newsweek style in no particular time line order.

Kudos go out to msbluecow and her decision to publicly enlighten the masses on her experiences last weekend.

People diving the same boat the day msbluecow had her ordeal were not allowed to utilize the benefits of the right breathing mix in the first place.

Raider Karl returns to the foray with no more argumentative substance than when he self imposed his exile weeks earlier.

Badfish with weeks of post certification under his belt comes through with more logical thought and process on the issue of diving than those who profess to be diving “for over (fill in the blank here) years”.

Continuing education has been good for the likes of Maciek and Nate Tuck which is apparent in their recent contributions.

Chris the BBS manager continues to bait and jerk chains only to get the BBS hit counter higher – a sad and unprofessional practice.

MHK easily sees the path that Chris takes and quells the rifts before they get out of hand – advantage MHK.

MHK, John Walker, Andrew to provide DIR Fundamentals training to all diving professionals gratis – so much for the arguments of the DIR cons.

GLnSD turned 16 this week and still refuses to act as anything less than a 10 year old – someone else said it best, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Gone are those mindless me too and informational URL clips from Taz.

JRM comes back to SCUBA diving at Catalina after a near death post DIR event experience – perhaps one should not drive after drinking in so much information at a DIR demo.

Why couldn’t it have been GLnSD instead of JRM? – Nostradamus says…

Tim comes forth and lays the facts on the table over air fills – a point no one had any logical rebuttal to.

Maddiver tried, but couldn’t on the air fill issue – see above.

Seahunt agrees that DIR does have it’s place in sport diving after all and plans on integrating some of the points into his own diving. So much for MHK’s request months ago requesting the now defunct ‘guide’.

Someone narced on AA Diver and his LADWP, city owned dive gear receptacle – unclear if it has been removed from service yet

If it has, we will be difficult approaching the boats to see if AA Diver is on board.

Seeing some good lobster coming in off the multiple days trips.

Someone played a cruel trick on an east coast fisherman with a Maine lobster and a $.99 can of Krylon.

Despite the best efforts of the diving community the California State Governor VETOS the Rigs to Reefs bill.

Remember that name, Grey Davis, at the next state election.

George Austin makes insinuations and accusations about DIR and it’s promoters.

Those promoters ask for specifics and the basis for the insinuations and accusations – George clams up.

Demo believes he has the DIR camp and their gear configuration all figured out.

Demo subsequently hangs himself on his own description of a DIR bungied octo.

There is some clutch of “red dry suited divers” creating havoc and causing diver boat trips to be cancelled.

The only one who complained about a dive boat trip being cancelled that week was SLANG.

That was fun. I just might do this again next month.

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