Dive Trips

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Captain Tim on November 11, 2001 at 23:43:33:

I pretty sure that Chris said we could post an add once a month, so here goes it.
This Friday, the 16th we are going to PV for a couple of night dives. The cost is $65.00, the same as it was last year. This includes one air fill and snacks. To make it a 2 tank dive night. We leave the dock at 7PM and return at 1AM. A nice trip to find bugs. PV is a great place to find them, and often over looked.
Saturday the 17th, a shop cancelled their trip so we are going to Catalina. A 3 for 2 sale. 2 paid divers and the third goes free. Don't forget this also counts on the frequent diver club. Saturday is $85.00 and includes breakfast, lunch, snacks and two air fills, for a 3 tank dive day. Not sure where we will be going, but Ship Rock sure looks good.

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