Re: Could it be? ........... It might be but the..........

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Posted by GLnSD on November 14, 2001 at 11:06:17:

In Reply to: Re: Could it be? posted by Kendall Raine on November 14, 2001 at 10:16:46:

problem is that it will degrade into an its not true because they told me it wasn't argument.

But just for the sake of conversation.
Which came first GUE or Halcyon or were they both conceived at the same time and one just took longer to start.
also explaing the duel management rolls and holdings in both "companies". And I have seen and I will try and find the e-mail from the quest forum where the head puppet admits both companies are one and the same and that Halcyon was started to "support" GUE/DIR and the idea behind GUE was to "feed" buyers to Halcyon.
I read this and I will make an honest effort to find it and post it.

Bottom line one is just a marketing ploy for the other. Which by the way is actually a good idea there are just two key parts missing.
1. They need to hire someone with some actual mareting experience. This constant negitive talk is killing the message.
2. They need someone with an educational background to set standards and develop a curiculum (sp) and stop all this on the fly its good because we say it is crap.

Its not the message that's bad it the way its delivered.

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