Palos Verdes Night Dive Report

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Posted by Chris on November 17, 2001 at 12:31:36:

I went out last night, Friday November 16, 2001, on the Great Escape ( to do two bug dives.
Although the swell had been up for days, it laid down nicely that afternoon, until the sea almost seemed like a lake.
The boat left the dock at about 7:15 PM.
We cruised for about an hour and Captain Tim anchored the boat in about 40 ft. just below the Point Fermin lighthouse.
There was no wind or current and the water looked like glass.
Since I had done well in the shallows there in the past I decided to head into shore.
I saw many bugs on the way in to shore, but all were short.
Once I got into the shallows (9-15 ft) I saw many short bugs, then a set of about 3 ft waves came and worked me a bit.
Since I saw no legal bugs and was only getting worked I decided to head out to deeper water.
In the shallows the visibility was only about 5 ft, but from about 25 ft. of depth and deeper, the visibility opened up to about 20ft.
When I made it to 30 ft. I came across my first legal bug and bagged it.
Then when I got to 50 ft., the visibility opened up to about 30 ft.
There in 50 ft. I came bagged a 3 lb. bug in the sand between two reefs.
When I got back to the boat, several other divers had also been successful.
One guy (Tom?) returned with his limit.
Captain Tim then moved the boat about one quarter mile down shore to a place I call anchor reef, because of the many anchors tangled in the reef there.
Here I jumped in and decided to stay deeper.
I picked up four more legal bugs during the dive, all in the 50-60 ft. depth range.
I made it down to 90 ft, but I did not see even a short below about 70ft.
It was a great dive, and those of you who missed it should reconsider PV as a destination!

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