A few comments...

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Posted by Wayne on November 20, 2001 at 09:22:00:

In Reply to: Nitrox Cert. Dive Report - lonnngggg one posted by DougD on November 19, 2001 at 22:10:47:

First the smell of the harbor. It is not the harbor, but the boats that stink. Many a night I have slept on boats there. The commercial fishing boats are the culprits that ruin the atmosphere. The harbor itself is nice -- especially when they are not in.

Next on to the smell or taste of the gas. I read with some amusement the "smell" of nitrox was different for a few posters here. I have never found that and it seemed to me that they were confusing soap in the reg or some other "taste provider" with the gas. I live by the rule that if the breathing gas tastes funny, I will not dive with that bottle.

Wouldn't it have been fun if you had moved the gear back to the boat and watched the fun as they searched for it? I might have done that, but I am a bit of a jerk at times. If you do this, make sure you leave it right at the line so it will be easy for recovery or bring it to the boat and let the DM and instructor in on the joke.

As for the reduced fatigue even in shallow dives, you must understand that there is no scientific data to back up your experience. But most people that I know who dive nitrox feel the difference. I know that I do and I am certain it is not a placebo effect since it lasts all the way home and all drugs (even placebos) wear off long before I get back from Ventura.

So now that you have a nitrox cert, let me ask you how you will use it. Will you be increasing bottom time or increasing safety margin? I increase margin and use it to "air tables". What are your plans for this?


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