Re: I don't do SDI or ANDI certs but.....

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Posted by TDI Diver on November 20, 2001 at 12:21:22:

In Reply to: Re: I don't do SDI certs but..... posted by DougD on November 19, 2001 at 22:43:31:

If you took an ANDI class you will get an ANDI cert. A lot of SSI stores were NASDS stores before the merger. A lot of those stores were ANDI stores as well and still are. If you look at the material ANDI gave you you will see the use of a lot of "non industry standard" terminology such as "safeair" etc. This is "left over" from the NASDS days where NASD had an a "air delivery system" instead of a regulator like everyone else, they felt this set them apart from the rest of crowd.

We don't do ANDI cert, I had the opportunity to become an ANDI instructor but passed after completing most of the ITC and we went with TDI for our "advanced" programs. I'll be glad to share my reasoning with you privatly if you want.

Your ANDI certification should have been a little more in depth than the SSI cert and if I remember correctly you can use mixture from 21% through 40% with the ANDI cert, with SSI you can use either 32 or 36.

Either way Nitrox is a better way to dive IMHO and your on the right track.

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