Re: My opinion

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Posted by MJG on November 20, 2001 at 22:47:07:

In Reply to: My opinion posted by Captain Tim on November 20, 2001 at 16:25:43:


I like the way you run your boat. I enjoy being able to do things my way and at my own pace. I have always been able to get assistance from you or your crew when I have requested it. The rest of the time I have been left alone to enjoy my dives the way I want.

I was with the diver in question Friday night. I know the DM was trying to ensure that he had a safe dive and can't fault him for that. However, the line needs to be drawn somewhere. Either it's the policy that everyone must prove fitness for each dive or a C-card should be considered enough. If the diver had shown signs of being apprehensive, then maybe further questioning would be in order. As it was the diver was confident and was with myself and another experienced diver even before our DM showed up. I don't think that him being allowed to dive should ever have been in question. I appreciate your stance on this and will continue to frequent your boat (if you’ll have me).


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