Re: correction - yes, my answer...(+)

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Posted by George Austin on November 23, 2001 at 18:04:22:

In Reply to: Re: correction - question for george not Jason posted by finfan on November 22, 2001 at 17:55:24:

As I stated above. We all know that its the nitrogen that has adverse effects on the *typical* divers physiology. Why not breathe less nitrogen? Its so simple that no one really bothers to argue about it. And I have a hard time believing that we argue about it here. When you look up "No Brainer" in the Dictionary, there is a discussion about nitrox in there. If its the cost, say so. When you invest X amount of dollars into your safety, whats 4 more dollars in your "air"? Ifs its the cost of a little 1 day class about EANx, whats that compared to everything else you've invested?

You know, we get to a point where we start nickel and diming everything here and I start to think that a common sense discussion about safety turns into a debate because some people have nothing better to do.

If you don't want to dive "nitrox" by all means don't. People have dived "air" their entire lives and have never had ill effects. Great. I'm not being criticl of you or your methods. I'm only telling you where the future of our sport is going.


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