#1 and #5 look pretty convincing concerning the nitrox thread

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Posted by Maddiver on November 26, 2001 at 12:22:27:

In Reply to: Top 10 Reasons a Diving Pro Gets Sued posted by Ken Kurtis on November 26, 2001 at 12:03:17:

1- False statements about nitrox=hammertime

2- Bad Judgement and poor conditions (deep air-narcosis-impairment)=$ for injured.

The reason PADI hasn't got hammered yet is that the lawyers for the plaintifs are stupid when it comes to diving and/or don't know how to do their homework. Wait, RecTech should produce some interesting suits....

And you are going to tell me that PADI can defend the stupidity of deep air when the Planitif's attorney brings in expert testimony from guys like Hamilton about narcosis (both n2 and o2) and the well documented reasons for utilizing helium in breathing mixes beyond 100' (especially if instructor has had trimix training and/or is diving different mix than student). Who's PADI gonna call Karl Shreeves? and his comedy routine. I would just show a picture of that helment wearing, niterider having stroke to make the jury laugh themselves into a guilty verdict.

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