Disbaric Osteonecrosis

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Posted by Bob3 on November 27, 2001 at 07:53:55:

In Reply to: Re: Maddiver- what about 'Bone Necrosis'? posted by Steve on November 26, 2001 at 19:49:10:

I'll refer you to a good page on the subject:

The long term effects of diving aren't thoroughly understood, but my experience in the commercial diving field indicates that bone & joint problems are the rule rather than the exception. Anyone that makes it to 40 without a limp or the occasional "icepick in the joint" is doing better than average.
Sport divers that dive a lot could expect to see some of the same things popping up. With the common use of dive computers, the sport diver can load themselves up with bubbles to the max, much moreso than when just the tables were used. Folks always had the tendency to "round off" to the conservative side, especially when doing repetive dives.

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