Low numbers on cards

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Posted by Wayne on November 27, 2001 at 11:43:17:

In Reply to: Who can cross me over to the RECTEC cert? posted by Maddiver on November 27, 2001 at 01:20:14:

The number on the card is not associated with the cert level.

So if you get a rec-tec card, it will have a number in the millions.

The different numbers are in the "professional" categories such as Divemaster, Assistant Instructor, Instructor, etc. They also have increasing numbers, but are lower than the recreational cards.

This is one of the complaints I have about PADI cards. I think that specialties (like NITROX) should be added to your certification cards.

For example, if you have a NITROX cert and then get rescue, I think the RESCUE card should have a NITROX endorsement. It would make life easier.


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