Re: Halcyon Pioneer, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by tleemay on November 28, 2001 at 11:25:15:

In Reply to: Halcyon Pioneer posted by midwest diver on November 28, 2001 at 07:31:27:

I agree with Bill on this one. There is no need
for a 36# wing unless you are diving with a much
heavier steel tank or you need some un-godly
amount of weight to sink yourself. If you are
a shallow depth wreck diver and you take heavy
tools with you, the extra lift could also be

The difference in profile is minimal comparing
the 27 to the 36. It's really only an expansion
pleat added to the bottom of the circular air
space. If you are a diver swimming in proper trim
with wider shoulders, you really will have to
be nit-picky to descern a difference. If you are
as thin as a rail, the difference if more

I'm 6'1 and weight 235. I dive with a 36 pounder
wet or dry, steel or alums. I know of two divers
out here that went to the 18# batwing for their
dry diving. It was with that wing they were able
to notice a measurable difference from the 36.
They only do shallow single alum tank diving and
are looky-loos, so they really have no need for
the extra lift.

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