GUE Fundamentals details

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by MHK on December 03, 2001 at 15:30:57:

At the risk of being censored I thought I would post the pertinent information with respect to this weekend's FREE [ as in NO charge] GUE Fundamentals class. I realize the rules, and the semantics have changes since I have been away, but hell, I'll throw caution to the wind and take a shot..

BTW, Chris your initial post said once a month [ ie; one could read Nov., Dec. etc., but your latest rule change said once in a 30 day period, so semantics aside maybe you'll grandfather in this post, if not, whatever]

Furthermore, many have expressed interest so rather then answer 10 different e-mails generally speaking a FREE and OPEN forum should allow the dispersion of information about free educational events..

Accordingly, the class will begin promptly at 7:00 pm Friday evening at Scuba Toys in Cypress [ 714-527-0430]. We will be doing a lecture and a pool session so you will need to bring your gear..

Early Saturday morning we will depart from San Pedro on the Catalina Express at 6:00 am. Some may depart out of Long Beach, but most we will be on the San Pedro boat. Either way, the idea is to get to Casino Point by around 7:30am, give or take..

We plan on spending the majority of the sunlight hours diving and de-briefing, and we plan on filming the underwater portion.. In the Saturday evening we will meet for dinner, or at the hotel, and critic the videos.. { I'm still finalizing hotels and will notify ASAP], but in any event the plan will be to meet somewhere mutually convient and discuss the videos and in-water preformance Saturday evening..

Sunday morning we will meet at 9:00 am at Casino Point and dive and de-brief until we depart. We are on the 6:45 pm departure to San Pedro..

Any questions please e-mail me, but as soon as I have hotel info I will post it..

Lastly, I just had a drop out this morning so I have one spot left in case anyone wants to join us.. I would LOVE it if Chris, Seahunt or Ken Kurtis would join us because in all honesty most of what they believe about DIR has been learned from the internet, and this FREE opportunity would afford them the unique opportunity from learning first hand what DIR is all about, not what they have gleaned from the internet. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to learn from the GUE training director and the foremost local GUE instructor.. The class is free and for the above montioned three I will presonally, out of my own pocket, cover any, and all expenses associoted with your attendance. In other words, your books, your long hose, your ferry cost, your hotels, your meals, you name it.. Because all three of you deal in semantics so I want you to learn first hand from the best two instructors that I know, Andrew G and John Walker...


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