Re: the unknown

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Posted by Jerry on December 05, 2001 at 08:51:51:

In Reply to: Re: the unknown posted by DougD on December 04, 2001 at 21:54:51:

I was not criticizing your decision, only pointing out that while "defacto" was diving with a buddy, you may have been diving solo.

I think we (not necessarily you in this case but thanks for your timely example) become overconfident when we dive with a buddy and we begin to think as seaserpent that we have redundancy ("two brains, two air supplies, two sets of fins") when in fact we don't. Based on your description my guess is, if you had a problem "defacto" would have been useless to you, worse than useless if you wasted time trying to include him in a solution.

So is buddy diving safer that solo diving? Not necessarily.


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